Mosquitoes are a common pest in Lexington, Nicholasville, Versailles, Georgetown, and Winchester and can cause serious health problems. With Kentucky having over 50 different species of mosquitoes, it can be tough to find the best mosquito control solution for all of them. According to the University of Kentucky (UK), some of the more common species we deal with are the Asian tiger mosquito, eastern tree hole mosquito, inland floodwater mosquito, common malaria mosquito, and the common house mosquito.
While most mosquito bites are just a nuisance, some species can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, dengue fever, and chikungunya. These diseases can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe and can be life-threatening in some cases. A handful of cases of West Nile and the persistent issue of dog heartworm have been among the mosquito-related issues in humans and animals in Kentucky recently.
That’s why it’s important for homeowners to take measures to prevent mosquito bites and control the mosquito population around their property. That’s where Berner Pest Solutions comes in – we offer comprehensive mosquito services to include adulticides, larvicides, and traps designed to target the many container-breeding mosquitoes we deal with in the commonwealth.
How Long Do Mosquitoes Live and Where?
Knowing the lifespan of mosquitoes is important for understanding how they breed. During their life cycle, mosquitoes go through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Some species, such as the inland floodwater mosquito require specific conditions like flooding to hatch, whereas container-breeding mosquitoes will hatch in just a few days.

During the larval stage, which lasts for 4-14 days, mosquitoes hang suspended from the water surface and molt four times before becoming pupae. The pupal stage lasts for 1 ½-4 days, during which the mosquito doesn’t feed and eventually emerges as an adult.
The lifespan of adult mosquitoes depends on several factors, with males living only 6-7 days and females living over five months. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 500 eggs in their lifespan, which is why starting mosquito control services in your yard can help prevent future mosquito populations.
Mosquitoes have different flying capabilities depending on their species. Some can only fly a few city blocks, while others can travel up to 20 miles. Most mosquitoes are active during the evening or night, but some species feed during the day. When they’re not active, adult mosquitoes rest in areas with high humidity and low disturbance. These areas may include dense vegetation, along drainage ditches, in sewers, and under the eaves of buildings.
How do I Control Mosquitoes in my Yard?
Mosquitoes are most active in Kentucky from late spring through early fall, with their populations peaking in late summer. Mosquitoes breed in standing water and need it to complete their life cycle. Common breeding grounds include clogged gutters, bird baths, flowerpots, and other areas where water can collect. Eliminating standing water around your property can help reduce the mosquito population and prevent them from breeding.

As part of our mosquito service, Berner performs a property evaluation each visit to determine where larvae are breeding so they can be stopped in their tracks from becoming adult mosquitoes. We offer a monthly service coinciding with the seasonal pattern of when mosquitoes are most active.
Service begins in April when it first begins to warm up in Central Kentucky and the last service is performed in October to ensure your localized mosquito population is reduced throughout their peak season. Want a free quote? Contact us today to learn more.
Are you still unsure if a mosquito service is the right choice for you? There are repellants that are often used by consumers. Products containing ingredients such as DEET are commonly used and may be effective at repelling mosquitoes, but many people (myself included) don’t like the idea of applying these chemicals to their skin. Alternatively, you could wear long-sleeved shirts and pants and avoid being outside during peak mosquito hours, but why miss out on enjoying your backyard during the beautiful seasons Central Kentucky has to offer?
What do Professionals Use for Mosquito Control?
When looking for a pest control company to help with your mosquito problem, it’s important to choose one that offers a full approach to the life cycle of mosquitoes, not one that focuses only on adult mosquitoes. The company should have experience in treating mosquitoes and use safe, effective treatments that minimize impact to beneficial insects and pollinators.
One effective method for controlling mosquitoes is to use larvicides, which are products that kill mosquito larvae before they become adults. These can be applied to standing water around your property, such as in bird baths or gutters.
Another method is to use adulticides, which kill adult mosquitoes – this is the service offered most by pest management professionals. These are typically applied using foggers or sprayers. At Berner, we attempt to get to know your property and understand the ideal resting locations. Shaded areas, heavy foliage, and other areas where wind speeds are low around your property are often landing zones for mosquitoes and we focus on targeting those areas.
In addition to applications targeting adults and larvae, using mosquito traps (or birth control for mosquitoes as I like to refer to it) can use the breeding habits of mosquitoes against them. Our mosquito traps use attractants to lure mosquitoes into the trap, where they are then killed, and any eggs laid in the trap are also doomed from the start. For inside the home, ensuring your window screens are in good working order, and doors seal properly can help prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
Finally, it’s important to note that controlling mosquitoes is an ongoing process. While any pest control company can help reduce the mosquito population around your property to some extent, it’s important to take steps to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the first place, which includes removing standing water on your property. By working with a pest control company and taking preventative measures, you can reduce the mosquito population around your property and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses.
The Best Mosquito Control in Lexington

I think I’ve covered a lot of ground in this article to include some helpful tips for preventing mosquitoes around your Kentucky home. If eliminating the standing water around your home proves to not be enough, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free analysis of your property to determine how your mosquito control efforts can be improved.
We know how frustrating it can be when mosquitoes swarm your back deck or patio while trying to enjoy a gorgeous sunset in Lexington. If you’re ready for your backyard to be mosquito free, contact us to sign up for professional mosquito control today!